Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Because organization is not my middle name

OK friends, who has great ideas how to get back into a routine... because clearly it is not happening.  I desperately want to get back to daily posting between here and Buy-Her.  It was not where I wanted it to be over the summer.  I told myself when the boys were in school I would finally hit my groove.  Funny how I feel like I am still behind and trying to catch up. 

This week.  This is the week I will finally get on track I told myself.  Between two of the boys being sick (hello breathing treatments and a doctor's office visit), trying to get one through daily homework, and fielding constant questions about September 11th from my kids... my head is just not in it.

I know what I want.  I know where I want to be.  I just can't seem to get there. 

Tomorrow morning after I drop the Big Guy off at school, I am taking the twins with me to the YMCA and whatever class happens to be starting, I am jumping in.  With my new sneakers.  And when I take the twins to school in the afternoon?  My goal is to be a blogging MACHINE.  (Fingers crossed.) 

Ideas for getting back into a routine and getting down to business.  THROW them at me... because the notebook where I write my every growing lists and my calendar alone isn't doing it for me.  What do YOU do?

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