Thursday, September 22, 2011

Worldwide Day of Play

I don't know about you, but I have incredibly active boys who love nothing more than getting outside and getting dirty.  Whether it's on the soccer field...

riding in the yard at my in laws house...

or playing in the backyard at home...

I always seem to end up with kids that look... like THIS!

I know, right?!  Crazy boys.

And yet I wouldn't trade it for a thing.  A little stain remover on the clothes before I throw them in the wash and it's all good!

I think there is nothing more important than having active kids who get plenty of time outside while the weather is good.  There is nothing like running around in the fresh air.  While we inevitably end up cooped up a bit more during the winter, I like the kids to get outside as much as they can.  They play outside after school, we take them to soccer on the weekends... and try to get some playground time and other walks in during the week. 

Some weeks are not as successful as others depending on our schedule, but there is always the backyard at home and that I am grateful for.  It allows the boys to get some exercise as well as blow off some of that extra kid steam they always seem to be so full of.  (Which makes for boys who sleep great at night!  Who doesn't like that?!)

Nickelodeon has a program called The Big Help - to empower kids and families to make daily healthy lifestyle choices.  On September 24, 2011, kids and families are asked to take part in the Worldwide Day of Play to turn off the TV and play outside!  It's so important sometimes just to shut off the TV and get out there with the family.  Clorox 2® is a proud sponsor of Nickelodeon's 8th Annual Worldwide Day of Play.

There is even a pledge you can take!  I took the Clorox2® Play 2Day pledge to play outside!  I have pledged a minimum of 7 hours per child per week - that's just an hour a day to get the boys outside and moving!  As well as myself.  I hope you and your family will join me by taking the pledge too!

Hope to see you all out and moving on the Worldwide Day of Play!

*Disclaimer: I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Clorox2® blogging program, for a gift card worth $40. For more information on how you can participate, click here.*

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