Monday, July 14, 2014

LA baby

So my babies turned 7. It actually happened. I wished for a way to keep them 6, but time moves on anyway.

We celebrated with dinner that night at Chelo's Waterfront (as has been tradition) and then headed out to Hope to see the fireworks. The boys could not stop talking about how it felt like the fireworks were just for their birthday. I could not get enough of the smiles on all of their faces.

I make it to my summer office (also known as the beach) about 3 days a week and the weather has been amazing - up until today. Looking at 3 days straight of forecasted thunderstorms has me disappointed. The beach is calling me. I did need to slow down a bit and catch up on so many other things though, so maybe it is what I needed after all.

Last week I started helping Calm-A-Mama with their social media. Calm-A-Mama is homeopathic healing for anxiety, insomnia and more. Flower remedies for moms, dads, kids, and even pets. I am really excited about this company!

I also made a last minute trip out to LA last week for the Sex Tape movie press junket with Cameron Diaz and Jason Segel. Amazing time. I feel like a piece of me belongs in LA and I can't wait to share the trip with you. I was able to go on my friend and blogger (at The-Mommyhood-Chronicles) Melissa Pezza's behalf as she welcomed her baby girl into the world. I am currently working on a post to be featured on her blog for tomorrow about the trip. I will follow up here with another post about LA on Wednesday.

I can't believe how much I needed to just go away and I am so grateful to have had the opportunity. When I stopped writing and traveling for 5 Minutes for Mom, I started working on social media for local businesses as the next transition for me. My current clients include Envious Swimming, Dream Big Gymnastics, Calm-A-Mama ... and I also write the weekly blog for Launch Trampoline Park.

With the boys trying to pursue an acting career - and still making sure they take time to just be kids along the way - I felt like my own blog here was at a crossroads. What to post, if I should give it up after all these years ... writing is a part of me but I was definitely feeling stuck. Being in LA, even though it was just for two days, made me realize how much I did love to travel and write. I feel like it was something I had started to forget. How many people can say they drove race cars on a professional track in New Orleans, drove a Mercedes around New Mexico, got to go on a Disney trip, got to interview Cameron Diaz and Jason Segal ... and so much more. Writing has taken me amazing places, and with the support of my husband and kids I have truly been blessed.

LA gave me time to do a little soul searching. This is still what I want to do. And I made some amazing new friends as well.

Stick with me as I get back to a regular posting schedule here.

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